Friday, March 5, 2010


It's a beautiful thing, really.
So... complex... so..... odd.
Okay, so it's not complex... it's simply a point of exhaustion when your thoughts become slightly askew and you enter a temporary state of madness that is cured only with slumber. But that's not to say it's a bad thing. I love it. Because every time my best friend, Bly, is over and we enter such a fine state of delirium, we commence developing our very own philosophical rants and religious views. We discuss the possibility of various government conspiracies. We explore the human demise and whether it's the human races' intelligence or stupidity that will cause it. We use VERY large words! For God sakes, we even use them WRONG!! And you know what.... I might be experiencing it right now. Because I have no idea what the significance of including the word thing was....

Who knows.

I don't.

My dog smells like cookies.
Chocolate chip cookies.

I like it.

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